Meet Rianna

Holistic Nutritionist & Licensed Esthetician

After dealing with chronic health issues; gut dysbiosis, acne, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances, hair loss, and a dysregulated nervous system, dealing with these symtpoms for years and always getting told my labs were “normal” or was given a random prescription that “may or may not” work. I even went to esthetics school to try to figure out my skin but it never cleared until I took an internal approach because everything starts from within. I finally turned to functional medicine. Holistic is a whole body approach to healing and has quite literally changed my life. Not only do I feel like a whole different person but I have so much more clarity, passion, and radiance when it comes to life. I am in tune with my body and the things it needs to thrive. I have made sustainable life-long changes to manage & prevent the health issues that I never got answers for. I am here to help you feel & do the same. The wellness industry can be an extremely overwhelming and confusing space especially when it comes to figuring out what the right steps are for you and your needs specifically. I am here to help guide you along your journey to healing.

Discover the Path